卓越した技術で、見えない部分にも着る喜びのための工夫と努力が注がれてできるHIROMI TSUYOSHIのニットは、着る人の持つ個性と呼応し、その人の本来の美しさを引き出す。
Hiromi Tsuyoshi created her first knitwear collection in 1993 with a solo exhibition in Tokyo.
She delves into design to achieve a sophisticated style using excellent materials and rigorous patterns. The pieces are then made by a few faithful craftpersons with whom she has collaborated throughout the years.
By the subtlety of their skills, in Hiromi Tsuyoshi's knitwear's, even invisible details are worked into the clothes to improve the joy in wearing them.
Her garment have the subtle ability to harmonise with ones personality. The beauty of Hiromi Tsuyoshi's clothes, through their comfort and liberty then become you.